Friday, May 20, 2016

About Gene Therapy

Gene therapy is a technique that uses gene to treat or prevent certain disease. There are several approaches in gene therapy including replacing a mutated gene that causes disease with a healthy copy of a gene. Besides that, inactivating or "knocking out" a mutated gene that is functioning improperly. Moreover, introducing a new gene into the body to help fight a disease. This technique may allow doctors to treat a disorder by inserting a gene into a patients cells instead of using drug or surgery. This technique remain risky and is under study to make sure that it will be safe and effective. Generally, gene therapy could be divided into two types which are somatic gene therapy and germline gene therapy. The somatic gene therapy would introduce a normal gene into the targeted cells for treatment. The gene also will be not passed to the next generation thus the patients offspring still have a chance to face the same disease. The germline gene therapy will modify the gene in the reproductive cells. The altered gene will be passed on to the next generation. This technique could treat certain growth and fertility problems and one of the potential technique to prevent the inherited disease.

if a mutated gene causes a necessary protein to be faulty or missing, gene therapy may be able to be use as treatment. A normal copy of the gene may be introduce to restore the function of the protein. The normal copy of the gene cannot be directly inserted in patient body. thus, a carrier called a vector is introduced to carry the normal gene into the affected gene. Vectors are carrier molecules which are employed to enhance gene transfer efficiency in gene therapy. Choosing the right vector might have a high chance by considering host immune respond, the target specific tissues for long term gene expression and regulation of gene after insertion. There are two types of vector which are viral vector and non-viral vector. The most common viral vectors are retrovirus, adenovirus, adeno-associated viruses and herpes simplex viruses. Non-viral vector are cationic liposomes, injection of naked DNA and by using chemical methods to enhance gene delivery.

Figure 1: The picture credit to U.S. National Library of Medicine

There are also issues that rises up in gene therapy because this gene therapy make changes of the body's basic instruction. several example of question that are arise such "how can good and bad uses of the gene therapy be distinguished?", "who decides which traits are normal and which constitute a disability of disorder?", "will the high costs of gene therapy make it available only to the wealthy people?" and "should people be allowed to use gene therapy make society less accepting of people who are different?". Germline gene therapy is controversial issue. Although it could spare future generation in a family from having a particular genetic disorder, it might affect the development of a fetus in unexpected ways of have long-term side effects that might lead to a new disease.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Casting anak toman

4.5.2016  Rabu

Petang tadi sempat jugak jalan-jalan tepi parit besar... tujuan utama sebab nak casting haruan ja .. tpi bila asyik dgn casting ni tak sedar dah sampai hujung dah .. HS menggunakan set ultralight sahaja .. set nak main haruan dah rosak habis .. Jadi ternampak lah sekumpulan ikan tengah timbul .. dah besar rupanya anak2 ikan toman ni .. HS pun guna je mana yg ada dalam lure box tu .. salah satunya Jack lure sinking pencil 5 cm dan ofmer catwalk hehe .. layan habis bila anak2 toman ni berebut nak sambar pencil ofmer catwalk tu .. walaupun bersaiz kecil 20++ cm tetapi apabila menggunakan set ultralight ia mampu memberi tentangan yang hebat... karen habis woo !!

Monday, May 2, 2016

Teknik memancing di Kolam simpang tiga Sungai Petani Kedah.

2.5.2016 Isnin

Alhamdulillah .. selepas dua minggu nak masuk minggu yang ketiga HS dah semakin pulih ..cuma kalau berjalan je terenjut-enjut lagi sebab kaki masih bengkak ... Dua hari (14.3.2016) sebelum nak balik ke Skudai HS berhasrat nak try casting di kolam simpang tiga Sungai Petani Kedah... Perjalanan dari rumah ke kolam memakan masa selama 40 minit ... Hari tu pergi seorang je sebab abah sibuk dan member pun kerja ... Dah lama tak main kat kolam .. nak main kat Johor ni harga tiket memang mahal huhu ... sampai je kat kolam nak bayar rupa-rupanya pihak kolam tengah buat promosi ... Rm35 untuk 10 jam weiii ... casting sampai lebam ... setelah siap setup rod dan reel HS pun mula aktiviti casting menggunakan udang mati .. 

Di sini HS nak berkongsi teknik yang HS guna pada hari tu ... udang mati tu HS buang kepala dia dan tak buang kulit apa pun .. cuma buang kepala udang ja dan sangkut pada matakail .. bagi lurus sikit udang tu .. dah settel (lupa nak ambil gambar kalau tak boleh tunjuk) ... bila dah baling umpan biar umpan tu tenggelam dulu dalam 10 saat ke .. pastu HS karau dengan perlahan (serius slow giler haha) dan diselangi dengan "jerk" sekali ... teknik ni memang berkesan .. Dua ekor siakap tumpas pada pagi tu ... 

Petang tu pulak lepas zohor (memang panas giler kot), HS casting menggunakan teknik pelampung dan udang hidup .. sambil karau pelampung slow-slow tu tiba-tiba "dup" dan terus bawak lari ... HS sempat membuka bail arm untuk mengeluarkan tali dan set hook bila rasa dah sesuai .. tak lama selepas tu seekor lagi siakap putih berjaya didaratkan .. Alhamdulillah rezeki .. 

Lepas dapat lagi sekor siakap, HS duduk je kat pondok .. guna teknik pelampung .. baling tepi (ada la 2 meter dari tebing) ... tak payah jauh-jauh kalau main kat kolam ni ... sedang leka bersembang dengan brother sorang ni tiba-tiba pelampung hilang .. terus meluru mencapai joran .. bagi masa jap kat ikan tu dan bila pelampung tenggelam je sekali lagi, tali bagi tegang dan sembat ... Perlawanan kali ni agak sengit sebab ikannya memberi tentangan yg hebat...
selepas beberapa minit dapat la tahu yang punya angkara .. Si jenahak rupanya, patut la kuat semacam je ... Jadi hasil sekarang ialah 3 ekor siakap dan seekor jenahak ... Dalam pukul 5 lebih HS mula casting balik sebab tak berapa panas dah dan beroleh seekor lagi siakap .. comel giler siakap ni haluih sangat haha .. Sedutan dia pun slow je .. tapi itu memang trademark sang raja muara tak kira kecil atau besar haa .. 

Lepas dapat siakap yang kecil tu mama ada call tanya bila nak balik .. dalam hati kata pukul 6 nanti balik la ni .. jadi HS pun sambung casting .. kali ni hanya baling dalam jarak lebih kurang 3 meter dari tebing (saja ja baling dekat-dekat pulak) ... tak sangka .. bila nak sampai tepi ja terasa "dup" yang amat kuat ..berderau darah masa tu haha .. Jadi HS pun bagi dia masa dan sembat lah .. dapat jugak nampak rupa ikannya tu (ikan jenahak) tapi bila di "rempit" tali putus pulak ..tak tahu la samada putus kat mainline atau kat FG knot ... silapnya sebab kunci drag terlalu ketat ... sayangnya, tengok jam dah pukul 6 petang .. memang tak ada rezeki la kan .. Jadilah rezeki siakap 4 ekor dan jenahak seekor ... 

Kalau main kat kolam ni satu je, kena RAJIN ... selebihnya tu rezeki Dia nak bagi :) 

Tight line guys ~

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Malang tidak berbau.

Assalamualaikum semua .. sorry la dah lama x post kat entry blog ni .. HS sebenarnya terlibat kemalangan .. lost control .. habis camera semua rosak .. set casting haruan pun barai .. apa boleh buat .. tapi sekarang alhamdulillah dah pulih seperti biasa .. terima kasih kepada sipo naim cool sebab tolong urus moto HS .. nasib baik terserempak kat jalan kalau tak tak tahu la mcm mna ..

Lama tak bersua

 Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera Sudah lama tidak "menulis" pada blog ini. Masih ada lagi kah yang sudi menjenguk di ruangan i...